Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Crinkle Toy

This crinkle toy was made almost entirely "in the hoop" using minky fabric on the front with "Train Caboose" embroidery design and train flannel fabric on the back. I removed the sun from the design since I had a sun rattle instead. It's 5x7 inches. Sun and teether are connected by the same string.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Bulgarian Cross Stitch

This is hand cross stitch with kene, a Bulgarian needlelace at the bottom.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Planning cobalt dress

I've been thinking about making a dress out of chiffon fabric with embroidery on top and have decided on cobalt blue with monotone embroidery. Step one is to design the embroidery.

I am leaning strongly towards adapting the designs in these two sets:

 So here are my first options on drawing a few lines on something that I own which has similar lines to what I am thinking about making:
Version 1: The neck would be v-neck symmetrical and likely follow the pattern I buy.  The embroidery line starts in the back and would be over the left shoulder.

You have to ignore version one's line.  I didn't want to erase it in case I go with it.  This would have embroidery in the front middle and then follow the line from about the left waist to the r side. It would have no embroidery on the back but could have embroidery on the sleeve. 
(I haven't figured out the sleeve yet but am very likely to have some kind of sleeve--I hate sleeveless, and I hate being cold.)

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Eastern European Designs

Machine embroidery from

Lace a combination of needle lace and needle tatting

A more traditional Bulgarian needle lace

Apron adapted from vintage apron (see next post)  Red machine embroidery on white fabric with rick rack around the edge.

Embroidery on skirt portion is inside pocket.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Vintage Apron

I picked this vintage hand-embroidered apron up at an estate sale.It's two layers with the pockets cut out of the top layer. The edge is rick-rack. The words at the top say "Portugal".  I've adapted it and will post my re-creation at a later date.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Thursday, June 11, 2015

More Chicken Egg Cosies

These egg cosies are made from the cuffs of a wool sweater which has been felted. Beaks are from a yellow wool sweater; the comb and wattles are from a piece of wool which was felted. Eyes are glass beads.  Egg cups and spoons from

Tea Towels

Machine embroidery from

Alpaca Pillow

Alpaca pillow made from felted wool sweaters.  Alpaca machine embroidered from emblibrary design.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Presents for the Grandbaby

I adapted this embroidery program, making them significantly larger and also making some of them 3D.  I also added shakers or squeakers or crunchy stuff to the inside of each piece including the toolbox to make it more interesting.

I bought the John Deere pillow but made the Minky blanket to match.  The embroidery pattern came from I had digitized it myself but preferred this one.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Custom Bibs

Kristen embroidered the adaptations.  The baby is a boy, so she says that makes her an uncle.

Monday, March 9, 2015


Machine embroidery from

Saturday, March 7, 2015